Back to schol! And I know that you were waiting for me! I am here,again! How was your summer? Where did you go? What did you do? How did you travel? How was the weather like? What cities did you visit? Did you go to the beach? Did you swim? you know swimming?...:-) :-) Did you go to the mountain? Did you see "MARIJAIA"? Did you go to the cinema?....
My summer:
"In summer I went to different places. I visited my family in Italy. I went to a small village in the North. The weather was sunny and hot. I went by plane to Milan and then I took a bus, a train and a car to arrive to Cavareno. That is the name of the village. After Cavareno I spent some days in Madrid in my sister´s house. It was very hot. But there is a swimming-pool! I was all the day into the water. After that I spent two weeks in Villaescusa de Ebro, a very small village in the mountains between Burgos and Cantabria. My wife´s grandfather has a house there...It was full of farm animals...dogs,cats, cows, pigs, hens...a zoo! During the last two weeks of August I went to Noja. The weather wasn´t very good but I went several times to the beach!....This was my summer!"
Can you write your composition? Come on!